Compost Tea
Compost tea has the power to unlock minerals and nutrients in our soils for plants to uptake and acts as a “pesticide”.

Grow soil
Compost tea boosts the immune systems of plants through increasing the many forms of life - similar to when a human takes a pre or probiotic.
There are SO many benefits to using compost tea. Here are a few!
Compost tea is harmless to your children, pets, and desirable wildlife including bees!
Reduces water usage
Reduces usage of synthetic and often harmful fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides and fungicides
Restores both nutrients and life back into the soil
A healthy, balanced soil is a clever and sensible way to fight back weeds through positive competition between wanted and unwanted plants
Having a resilient ecosystem in your own yard means fewer maintenance hours

Residential Spray
Enhance your residence with compost tea! Beautiful landscapes are possible without the use of undesirable synthetics.
Every spring, summer, and fall, we visit your property and spray compost tea on your plants and soil.
Each application is custom brewed based on the time of year and plant growth cycle, so your plants get what they need when they need it.
Commercial Spray
Protect your investment, and level up what your commercial property has to offer through non-synthetic & biodynamic plant & soil care.
Have a farm, campus, or hiking trail that could be even greener? We would love to help.
Contact us directly for any commercial work! We love making a big impact.
“Love this amazing company and the services they offer! I would recommend their compost tea service to anyone looking to have a healthier and more productive farm or garden.”
- Kate Miller
Deep Root Tree Injection
Feed your trees with compost tea! Whether your trees need some rehab or some pampering, this service is perfect for trees. Recommended 1-2 times a year.
$45 per tree
“Love this amazing company and the services they offer! I would recommend their compost tea service to anyone looking to have a healthier and more productive farm or garden.”
- Kate Miller
Contact Us
Reach out to us directly, or fill out this form and we will be in touch!